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Irish Citizenship & Naturalization Applications

Applying for Irish Citizenship is advisable to foreign nationals as a last step in their immigration story in Ireland. Once your citizenship application is granted, you will be eligible to apply for your Irish passport.

Expert Consultants can provide thorough consultation and carry out the assessment of your eligibility. We can also provide you support to put your application and documents together to apply for citizenship.

Citizenship by naturalisation is the route towards Irish citizenship.

There are other routes that can lead to Ireland Citizenship such as citizenship by birth and descent. It is applicable to people who had Irish ancestry, including Irish grandparents.

You may be eligible to apply for citizenship by naturalisation if you are living in the State or if you are living on the island of Ireland and married to an Irish citizen. You may also be eligible to apply for Ireland citizenship if you are of Irish descent or have Irish associations* or have been resident abroad in the Irish public service or have been declared to be a refugee or stateless as defined by law.

If your application is approved, you will be invited to attend a Ireland Citizenship ceremony where you will receive a Certificate of Naturalisation and make a declaration of fidelity to the nation and loyalty to the State.

Applying for Irish citizenship can be an overwhelming process for you if you are not sure how to approach it.